Application for Asylum

Where to apply for asylum
  • to General Inspectorate for Migration
  • to Border Police 
  • to police bodies
  • to subdivisions of the National Penitentiary Administration of the Ministry of Justice or the pre-trial detention subdivisions of the law enforcement agencies
  •  the applications for political asylum must be submitted to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Moldova and must be addressed directly to the President of the Republic of Moldova.
When to apply for asylum
  • as soon as the alien has presented himself at the state border crossing point

  • as soon as the alien entered the territory of the Republicof Moldova
When a new application can be submitted
  • when there is an irrevocable decision issued by the competent authorities or an order to discontinue the examination of the case
  • when new circumstances have arisen which could not be presented by the asylum-seeker in the previous procedure
  • when there have been political, military, legal or social changes in the country of origin which endanger the life or liberty of the asylum-seeker

Principle of confidentiality

In accordance with the legislation in force, the competent authority shall not disclose to the alleged perpetrator of the persecution to

which the asylum seeker has been subjected information on the individual asylum application or the fact that an application has been lodged.

Nor shall the competent authority obtain information from the alleged actor of persecution so as to be able to disclose to him the fact

that the applicant has made an application which would endanger the physical integrity of the applicant and his/her dependants, the liberty and safety of his/her family members in the country of origin.

Principle of non-discrimination

The provisions of national law apply to asylum seekers and beneficiaries of a form of protection irrespective of race, nationality, ethnicity, language, language, religion, political affiliation, social category, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age.

Principle of non-refoulement

No asylum- seeker shall be expelled or returned from the border or the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

No beneficiary of a form of protection may be returned or expelled to a country or territory where there may be a threat to life or liberty, or where he or she may be subjected to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment.

Access to the territory of the Republic of Moldova

The competent authorities shall grant access to the territory of the Republic of Moldova to any foreigner at the border, from the moment he/she expresses his/her wish to receive protection in the Republic of Moldova, made in writing or orally.


  1. The application will be submitted personally by the applicant.
  2. Asylum applications submitted outside the territory of the Republic of Moldova are not accepted.
  3. The competent authorities cannot refuse to receive the asylum application on the grounds that it was submitted late.
  4. Collective asylum applications are not accepted.
  5. In the case of the unaccompanied minor, the asylum application is submitted by his legal representative.
  6. In the case of a person lacking discernment, the asylum application is submitted by his guardian or curator, after his appointment.
  7.  If the applicant does not know how to write, the official who receives the application completes the application according to the spoken statement of the applicant, after which it is to be signed by the applicant, the official and the interpreter.
  8. If the applicant cannot sign, his digital fingerprint is applied
  9. Asylum-seekers will not be sanctioned for illegal entry or stay on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
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