IGM informs: derogations concerning the regime of displaced persons from Ukraine on the territory of the Republic of Moldova have been repealed

In order to return to the usual legal framework regulating the regime of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova, following the provision of the Commission for Exceptional Situations of 10 May 2023, the General Inspectorate for Migration of the MIA recalls that it has undertaken a series of actions aimed at facilitating the integration of all foreigners into Moldovan society. At


Are you a foreign citizen, do you need information and help? The Call Center of the Bureau of Migration and Asylum will provide you with information at the phone number: 0 8000 15 27.


Foreign citizens who have been granted the right of temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for family reunification, for studies, for humanitarian, voluntary or religious activities have the opportunity to pay with discount the compulsory health insurance premium for 2021 before the end of March.

Improving the investment and business environment in the Republic of Moldova – a priority area for the BMA

The improvement of the investment and business environment in the Republic of Moldova by facilitation of entry and stay on the territory of our country of foreign investors, as well as of the persons managing foreign investments, was one of the main objectives of the Bureau of Migration and Asylum /BMA/ fulfilled in 2017. This allowed increasing the attractiveness of our

Improving the reception conditions for asylum seekers and international protection beneficiaries staying in the GIM Accommodation Center

Asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, temporarily housed in the Accommodation Center of the General Inspectorate for Migration will enjoy better living and accommodation conditions. The improvement of conditions within the Center was possible thanks to the support and collaboration with the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI) within the


FOR THE INDIVIDUALS AND LEGAL ENTITIES’ ATTENTION! Bureau for Migration and Asylum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not working on June 8, 2020. In accordance with the order of the Commission for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Moldova №17 on April 13, 2020 this day is declared a day off!

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