Extension of short-stay visa

A visa is a document that enables the holder to report to any border checkpoint of the Republic of Moldova and to require either transit through or a short stay on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Please note that holding an entry visa does not guarantee entry on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The border police officers will demand proof that the general

Foreign investments

associate / shareholder of the legal entity with foreign investments List of documents for granting the right to temporary stay to associate / shareholder of the legal entity with foreign investments registered in Republic of Moldova: Beneficiary’s request; Copy of the national passport, with corresponding entry stamp applied by the border police (in case of previous entries


Due that the recommendations of the Extraordinary national Commission on Public Health, in order to prevent further spread of Covid-19, the Bureau for Migration and Asylum reiterates the information on the possibility of providing services at the Foreigner`s Documentation One Stop Shop with the prior appointment. The prior appointment is made at the Call Center: 022 820-007.

Foreigners are expected to be consulted and supported in the Integration Centers of The General Inspectorate for Migration

Foreigners are expected to be consulted and supported in the Integration Centers of the GIM. The General Inspectorate for Migration informs the public that Integration Centers for foreigners are now closer and more accessible than ever. These specialized centers are an essential pillar in supporting measures of integration, counselling, information and assistance to foreigners

General information

În Republica Moldova, azilul – este o instituţie juridică prin al cărei intermediu statul oferă străinului protecţie, acordîndu-i statutul de refugiat, protecţie umanitară, protecţie temporară sau azil politic. Cadrul normativ în domeniul azilului a fost elaborat cu transpunerea prevederilor Convenției de la Geneva din 1951 cu privire la statutul refugiaților și cu preluarea

The General Inspectorate for Migration is equipped with modern biometric equipment

The General Inspectorate of Migration has a new lot of performant equipment which will enable a better and faster documentation of foreigners throughout the country. The 20 state-of-the-art biometric data enrollment workstations have been handed over to the GIM by IOM in the Republic of Moldova within a first phase of the automated process of the documentation of the

General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) is improving its mobility and ability to provide efficient services

GIM expanded its fleet with seven Dacia Duster cars. The equipment will improve the quality of the GIM’s operational work with foreign citizens affected by the war in Ukraine. Another 30 cars have been donated to our colleagues from the General Inspectorate of the Border Police (GIBP). Thus, IGM officers will be better equipped in order to provide the necessary assistance to

The General Inspectorate for Migration Informs: How to Obtain a Residence Permit in the Republic of Moldova

In order to obtain a work permit, make sure your employer offer you a work contract which prove that he will pay you the average wage of 13.700 MDL. Follow this link to find more on your right of provisional stay for the purpose of work. Foreign citizens interested in making investments in the Republic of Moldova may grant the right to temporary stay: for a period of 2 years –

Almost 1.4 million Ukrainians entered the Republic of Moldova since the beginning of the war

Two years after the start of the war in the neighboring country, the Republic of Moldova continues to offer all its support to Ukrainians and other categories of migrants driven out by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Almost 1.4 million Ukrainians entered our country after February 24, 2022. More than 116 thousand are now within the country,

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