Almost 1.4 million Ukrainians entered the Republic of Moldova since the beginning of the war

Two years after the start of the war in the neighboring country, the Republic of Moldova continues to offer all its support to Ukrainians and other categories of migrants driven out by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Almost 1.4 million Ukrainians entered our country after February 24, 2022. More than 116 thousand are now within the country,


Due to performance of some repair work at the General Inspectorate for Migration’s headquarters, on 124, Ștefan cel Mare bd., during the period of time 09-13 of August, 2023, the main entrance will be closed. Access to the General Inspectorate for Migration building, during the reference period, will be possible from Armeneasca Street. We apologize for the created nconvenience.

To the atention of the legal and natural persons

In order to prevent crowding and ensure epidemiological measures, in accordance with the decisions of the Extraordinary National Commission of Public Health of March 13 and March 15, within the period 16-31 of March, the One-stop shop for the documentation of foreigners: • ensures the receipt of the documents regarding the granting of the right to stay or the prolongation of

To the attention of applicants!

The Migration and Asylum Office of the Ministry of the Interior warns that 2 January 2023 is considered a day of rest. Documentation counters for foreigners will not provide services on this day.Applicants who have scheduled their visit to the BMA for 02 January 2023, are kindly requested to choose another day and time available for the services of the Aliens Documentation

For the attention of beneficiaries of temporary protection

Identity documents issued to beneficiaries of temporary protection are valid until March 1, 2025. In order to check the validity period, the QR code on the back of the identity document should be scanned. Currently, the General Inspectorate for Migration is undertaking technical works to update the data stored in the QR codes on the ID documents issued to beneficiaries of

To the Attention of Foreigners!!!

Foreigners who want to study Romanian language courses, please contact the Integration Center for Foreigners. Online training. Chisinau mun., 124, Stefan cel Mare Avenue, 2 floor, office 219. Tel. 022 265 624

To the attention of foreigners / لجذب انتباه المواطنين الأجانب

In the Republic of Moldova over 18 500 of foreigners from 145 countries are documented with residence right. Among the documented foreigners are persons of different religious confessions: Orthodox, Catholics, Baptists, Indians, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Adventists, Pentecostals, Evangelicals, etc. Following the epidemiological situation, in order to execute Decision no.

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