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Workshop with the participation of representatives of the Social Assistance and Family Protection Directorate in the North of the country

On 26 April, the General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) organized a workshop in Balti with the participation of representatives of the Social Assistance and Family Protection Directorate from 11 northern districts.

The migration officer of the Integration Centre of the NORTH Regional Directorate spoke to representatives of social services about the process and ways of facilitating the integration of foreigners in the local community.

Special attention has been paid to the registration of foreigners seeking for jobs through the National Employment Agency and its territorial employment offices.

The participants discussed the registration of foreigners in the social protection system; access to medical services under the health insurance system, as well as the strengthening of joint efforts in the development of individual integration plans for foreigners through the territorial structures of the GIM.

Every foreigner is a value, and integrating this value into the host community is a shared responsibility and an opportunity for everyone.

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