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Updates for the beneficiaries of temporary protection

People displaced from Ukraine can now find more useful information on the website of the General Inspectorate for Migration www.igm.gov.md. All the information related to the status of beneficiary of temporary protection has been systematized as follows:

Subjects related to the normative acts that regulate temporary protection, who can request temporary protection, the documents required and the application procedure for temporary protection, the most frequently asked questions including the residence – can be found here.

More details about the extension of temporary protection starting from March 1, 2024, and additional specification  on the validity of identity documents may be found in this article.

Follow this link for the main updates on financial assistance for refugees in the Republic of Moldova.

The instructions for pre-registration for temporary protection on the territory of the Republic of Moldova are available here.

Ultimele știri               
Temporary protection for displaced persons from Ukraine extended until March 1, 2026
Clarifications on the process of issuing identity documents for foreigners
Changes to the process for issuing identity documents for foreign nationals
Strengthening the dialog between the General Inspectorate for Migration and EU Member States
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