General Inspectorate for Migration

Tasks of the General Inspectorate for Migration

The General Inspectorate for Migration (hereinafter - GIM) is an administrative authority subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, competent to ensure the implementation of state policies in the fields of migration, asylum, statelessness, readmission and integration of foreigners, in terms of respect for fundamental human rights and the guarantee of order and public security of the state.

At the same time, the Regulation on the organization and operation of the General Inspectorate for Migration establishes that the institution is responsible for the admission and regulation of stay, as well as for preventing and combating the illegal stay of foreigners throughout the territory of the Republic of Moldova. For this purpose, GIM monitors the migration flow in the country, including through the record of foreigners entering and/or leaving the country through the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. At the same time, GIM coordinates the activities in its fields of competence with the competent public authorities.

From January 2024, GIM's powers have been devolved to the Regional Directorates, based in Bălți (the NORTH Regional Directorate), Chisinau (the CENTER Regional Directorate) and Cahul (the SOUTH Regional Directorate), increasing access to the services provided by GIM and optimizing the monitoring of the residence regime of foreign citizens.

Regulations for admission and residence

Regulations for admission and residence include a set of measures intended for foreigners who wish to immigrate or are already in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, such as: invitations, visa extension and residence permits for different puproses (studies, family reunion, work, humanitarian, volunteering and religious activities etc.).

Asylum and statelessness

Asylum and statelessness are the most sensitive areas of GIM's activity. Foreigners fleeing conflict regions may ask for a refugee status, international or temporary protection in the Republic of Moldova. The the GIM recognizes and cancels stateless status under conditions provided by law.

Foreigners integration policies

The Republic of Moldova committed to implement effective foreigners integration policies building up an inclusive and diverse society. In this sense, GIM collaborates with central and local public authorities, civil society organizations, strategic partners and mass-media. The Integration Centers for Foreigners in the municipalities of Chisinau, Bălți and Cahul provide support and counseling on access to Romanian language classes, education, the labor market, medical services, accommodation centers, socio-cultural activities as well as legal advice on acquiring Moldovan citizenship etc.

Combating the illegal stay of foreigners

Combating the illegal stay of foreigners and reducing the flow of illegal migrants transiting the Republic of Moldova toward other EU states is one of the key commitment the Republic of Moldova has taken within the EU-Moldova Association Agreement and the visa liberalization regime.

In 2013, regional departments to combat the illegal stay of foreigners were established in the North, Center and South. The staff training, the new work methods, the use of data from the territory, a good methodological support in identification of foreigners in the territory along with an efficient coordination of the activity with several entities of the MIA have significantly increased the efficiency of the GIM’s activity (the Bureau for Migration and Asylum, at the time).

In 2015, for the first time, GIM undertook a series of documentary checks of foreigners coming from states with increased migration risk and who have been working at mixed capital enterprises. Over 6,000 enterprises and about 8,000 people from 14 states have been verified. The proof of domicile of 500 persons included in the asylum system of the Republic of Moldova have all been checked. 

In 2023, GIM officers documented 3,074 violations of residence and employment rules and issued more than 1,300 revocations of residence for foreigners from various states. 252 foreigners were denied entry into the Republic of Moldova, 69 were declared undesirable, and another 105 people were removed from the country under escort. 

Analytical materials in the field of migration and asylum

The GIM develops the Extended Migration Profile, which contains more than 160 statistical indicators in the field of migration. It also produces annually the analytical report "Migration and Asylum Risk Analysis". The report includes the analysis of primary and statistical data collected by the GIM, the level of implementation of the GIM's responsibilities, an assessment of the situation in the territory, a description of events and a general evaluation of threats, risks in the field of migration and asylum.

Compendiu statistic al Profilului Migrațional Extins al RM, 2020-2022
Profilul migrațional extins al Republicii Moldova pentru anii 2017-2021
Imigrarea străinilor, azilul și apatridia în RM, ed. V
Imigrarea străinilor, azilul și apatridia în RM, ed. V


Mihail VODĂ

Chief Commissioner

Head of the General Inspectorate for Migration

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Chief Commissioner (Deputy)

Deputy Head of the General Inspectorate for Migration

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Alexandru PUTERE

Commissioner - Principal

Deputy Head of the General Inspectorate for Migration

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Structure of the General Inspectorate for Migration

Regulatory framework

International legislation

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10.12.1948, to which the Republic of Moldova adhered by the Decision of the Moldovan Parliament no.217-XII of 28.07.1990

European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, adopted in Rome on 4.11.1950, to which the Republic of Moldova acceded on 30.12.1998

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