Invitations for foreigners

The invitation is an official document issued by the General Inspectorate for Migration for foreigners at the request of a natural person with permanent or provisional residence in the Republic of Moldova or at the request of a legal entity, under the conditions provided by law.

The invitation represents one of the legal conditions for getting a visa for the Republic of Moldova by certain categories of foreigners.

The invitation is a document of strict evidence, unique throughout the Republic of Moldova and it is valid for 90 days from the date of

issuance, all records being legible and without corrections.

States whose nationals require invitations when visas are issued for entry to the Republic of Moldova. Download the list.

The right to invite foreigners is granted to legal entities registered in the Republic of Moldova as provided by law and to natural persons

domiciled or residing in the Republic of Moldova who have reached the age of 18 and for whom no legal guardianship measure has been established, except for foreigners who have arrived for study or treatment.

Legal entities may issue invitations for 3 aliens at the same time for business purposes.

The application or request for issuing the invitation shall be submitted for approval to the competent authority for foreigners in person,

by mail or online.

Foreigners can also apply for a visa at one of the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Moldova abroad, or through:

When submitting the application, the inviting person is informed about the regime of aliens on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The applicants must sign a declaration on his/her obligation to bear the costs related to the stay and possible removal of the alien from the territory of the country in case he/she does not leave the territory within the term granted by visa.

Process description

Step 1

Submit the application

Applications for the issuance of invitations shall be submitted to the one-stop-shop for the documentation of foreigners of the GIM within the area where the applicant has his/her domicile/residence, respectively the headquarters/office, in case of legal entities:

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the CENTRAL Regional

Directorate of the GIM: Chisinau Municipality, 41 Lev Tolstoi St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the NORTH Regional

Directorate of the GIM: Balti Municipality, 9 Moscovei St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the SOUTH Regional Directorate of the GIM: Comrat Municipality, 22 Comsomolului St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the SOUTH Regional Directorate of the GIM: Cahul Municipality, 79 Ioan Voda cel Cumplit St.

Step 2

Pay for service

Payment can be made at/via:

  • Post offices of Poșta Moldovei
  • Governmental service for electronic payments MPay
  • Bank branches

Step 3

File examination

  • The GIM's representative receives the application, verifies the completeness and correctness of the submitted documents, enters the data into the Automated Information Subsystem (AIsS) of the GIM, checks the data of the invited person within the records of the AIsS, as well as within the records of other authorities in order to verify the fulfillment of the legal conditions for the entry of the alien into the Republic of Moldova.
  • The GIM's representative shall provide advice on the list of documents required for the issuance of the invitation for visa.
  • The GIM's representative checks all submitted files to ensure that the documentation package is complete, correct and compliant with the existing regulatory framework
  • The GIM's representative checks that the application form is filled in correctly
  • The GIM's representative helps the applicant to fill in correctly and completely all the fields of the application form
  • The GIM's representative checks whether the documents for the purpose of the visa are provided, verifies whether the foreigner's travel document is recognized and accepted by the Republic of Moldova and its validity
  • The GIM’s representative has the right to reject the application indicating the reason for the return, so that the applicant can complete and/or remove irregularities and to submit the application again
  • Once the file has been submitted, GIM’s representative checks whether the alien is not listed into the Automated Information Subsystem (AIsS) of the GIM and checks the alien's history and enter the alien's data into the GIM's AIsS.
  • In order to ensure the issuance of the decision, GIM’s representative checks the available/necessary information on the alien and the applicant through various databases that are under the management of the GIM.
  • The conclusions resulting from the analysis of the documentation package and the above-mentioned verifications regarding the foreigner and the inviting person/legal entity shall be recorded by the GIM’s representative within a conclusion containing the proposal to approve or reject the invitation, with the appropriate reasoning.

Step 4

Issuance of invitation

Once the invitation is issued, the IGM official shall repeatedly inform the applicant about the

validity of the invitation, about the regime of foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and about the possible removal of the foreigner from the territory of the country on the account of the applicant, if the foreigner does not leave the territory of the country within the term granted in the visa. The fact that the invitation has been issued shall be recorded within the Automated Information Subsystem of the GIM.

The refusal to issue the invitation shall be communicated to the applicant in writing within 3

working days from the date of approval and may be challenged in the administrative court.

Fees & deadlines

Period of examination: 10 working days

Requests for invitations shall be handled within 10 working days from the day the application was is submitted. If the travel is related to the urgent medical treatment of the invitee or it is reasoned by the serious state of health or by the death of a close relative, the request for invitation shall be examined within one working day.

At the request of the applicant, the request or invitation may be reviewed within 1, 3 or 5 working days.

In fully justified cases, where further examinations are necessary, the deadline may be extended by 10 calendar days.

A new invitation submitted by an applicant, irrespective of its purpose, shall not be approved for a period of 2 years if at least one of the persons previously invited by the applicant has not left the territory of the country within the period of validity of the visa.

The alien may apply for a visa within 90 days from the date of approval of the invitation.

Fees for visa invitations:

  • 10 working days: 60 MDL (GIM fee) + 200 lei (state fee)
  • 5 working days: 120 MDL (GIM fee) + 200 lei (state fee)
  • 3 working days: 180 MDL (GIM fee) + 200 lei (state fee)

Natural persons

List of documents required to obtain the visa invitation from natural person:

1.      Application form – shall be filled in legibly and in full in Latin characters and signed by the applicant

2.      Declaration on the purpose of entry into the territory of the Republic of Moldova, signed by the applicant

3.      Copy of the alien's state border crossing document, valid for not less than six months

4.      Copy of previous visas obtained for the Republic of Moldova and/or other states

5.      Proof of means of subsistence in the amount of 30 euro/day for the period of stay on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, as well as for the return to the country of domicile, but not less than 300 euro- from the applicant or the invited person

6.      Identity card/residence permit of the inviting person, in original and copy.

7.      Evidence of payment of state fee and services rendered.

In addition to the documents included in the general requirements, the applicant must submit

supporting documents concerning the purpose of the journey:

a.      Concrete information on the relationship between the applicant and the invited person. If relatives are invited, justification of the family relationship:

·        the original and a copy of the applicant's and/or alien's birth certificate

·        marriage certificate, in original and copy

·        birth certificate of the joint child, in original and copy.

b.     Medical certificate confirming the state of health of a close relative.

c.      Applicant's passport with entry - exit visa/residence permit for the country where they met the invited person, in

original and copy.

d.     a copy of the foreign citizen's visa or residence permit from the country of domicile, if he/she is domiciled in a

country other than that of which he/she is a citizen.

Legal persons

List of documents required to obtain the visa invitation from legal person:

1.      Application form – shall be filled in legibly, in full in Latin characters, signed by the administrator and wet stamped

2.      A motivation request indicating the purpose of entry on the territory of the Republic of Moldova of the invited person, with

registration number, dated and signed by the administrator and wet stamped

3.      Copy of the alien's state border crossing document, valid for not less than six months.

4.      Copy of previous visas obtained for other states, including the EU.

5.      Proof of means of subsistence in the amount of 30 euro/day for the period of stay on the territory of the Republic of Moldova,

as well as for the return to the country of domicile, but not less than 300 euro, from the applicant or the invited person

Additional documents:

  1. Power of attorney - in case the application is submitted by an employee empowered by the administrator, enclosing his/her valid identity card/residence permit, in original and copy.
  2. Additional documents concerning the purpose of the journey:

a.      a copy of the right of admission to studies issued by the Ministry of Education, as the case may be, or a confirmation from

the educational institution

b.     criminal record certificate, translated and legalized/apostilled (if necessary) by the authorities of the state of which the foreigner is a national, in the case of foreigners coming to study;

c.      confirmation of the job position of the invited person.

d.     confirmation of business relationships (contracts, orders), in original and copies.

e.     confirmation issued by the hotel, with contact details, that the full payment has been made. If the person has used a travel agency, the original and a copy of the voucher and the contract with the travel agency must also be presented. Description on a separate sheet of the tourist program: route, purpose, dates and places.

f.       invitation to attend a conference, training, sports competitions, cultural events, including the name, place and time of the event- in original and copy.

g.      a copy of the foreign citizen's visa or residence permit from the country of domicile, if he/she is domiciled in a country other than that of which he/she is a citizen.

Submit petitions

Petitions/complaints should be submitted to the GIM Chancery at the following address: Chisinau Municipality, 124 Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt Blvd or by e-mail to:

Sanctions & penalties

Article 30 of Law 234/2021 provides for disciplinary, civil, administrative or criminal liability, as appropriate, for failure to perform or improper performance of public service tasks.

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