Press releases

19/02/2025 Press Releases

Clarifications on the process of issuing identity documents for foreigners
Following the numerous requests for clarification received on the hotline of the General Inspectorate for Migration (IGM), we come with the following clarifications: From February 17 to April 1, 2025, the IGM informs that the process of submission of applications for the granting of the right of residence will continue according to the usual regime.… Continue reading Clarifications on the process of issuing identity documents for foreigners
Protection of migrant women’s rights discussed at training workshop for migration officers and border police

09/10/2024 | Press Releases

October 9, 2024, Chisinau - The State Secretary Mariana Lucrețeanu, participated in the opening of the training workshop for officers of the General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) and the General Inspectorate of Border Police (GIBP). The event was organized by the Council of Europe and focused on the protection of migrants, asylum-seekers and refugee women.… Continue reading Protection of migrant women’s rights discussed at training workshop for migration officers and border police
Your opinion matters to us

08/10/2024 | Press Releases

We invite you to share your experiences and suggestions related to the services provided by the General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) Your feedback, comments and suggestions are important. 1. Scan the QR code displayed in all GIMM offices and Alien Documentation counters. 2. Follow the link and fill in the questionnaire (Ro/ENG/Ru). 3. Your feedback… Continue reading Your opinion matters to us
Special ranks and distinctions for GIM’s officers

28/08/2024 | Press Releases

Chisinau, August 28, 2024 - On the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Moldova, the General Inspectorate for Migration organized a festive ceremony to recognize the efforts and outstanding performance of its employees. For conscientious attitude towards the duties, professional successes and continuous devotion special distinctions and ranks were awarded… Continue reading Special ranks and distinctions for GIM’s officers
Happy Independence Day, Republic of Moldova!

27/08/2024 | Press Releases

Dear citizens of the Republic of Moldova, dear friends and partners, To celebrate the Independence Day of the Republic of Moldova means, first of all, to honor the courage and determination of those who fought so that today we can build a nation on the foundations of freedom and dignity. For the team of the… Continue reading Happy Independence Day, Republic of Moldova!
An Agreement on readmission ratified between Moldova and Azerbaijan

22/08/2024 | Press Releases

The Cabinet of Ministers ratified the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on readmission. The agreement was signed by the interior ministers of the two countries on May 24, 2024. Ratification of the agreement will facilitate the procedure of exchange of information, identification and… Continue reading An Agreement on readmission ratified between Moldova and Azerbaijan
New amendments to the Law on Asylum in the Republic of Moldova have entered into force

16/08/2024 | Press Releases

On August 15, 2024, new amendments to Law No. 270 of 2008 on Asylum in the Republic of Moldova entered into force. The amendments concern additions which provide for the fast-track examination of asylum applications lodged by persons who are in extradition proceedings. The new wording of the law provides that the interview of the… Continue reading New amendments to the Law on Asylum in the Republic of Moldova have entered into force
A fair of opportunities on the occasion of the International Youth Day

13/08/2024 | Press Releases

A new edition of the Youth Opportunities Fair, organized in the context of the International Youth Day 2024, took place in Cahul on June 12. GIM's officers used this opportunity to have a dialog with the citizens about the services provided by the General Inspectorate for Migration, migration processes and their impact on Moldovan society.… Continue reading A fair of opportunities on the occasion of the International Youth Day
GIM’s officers on duty

12/08/2024 | Press Releases

Between August 5 and August 11, GIM’s officers granted and/or extended the right of residence for 193 foreign nationals. 244 residence permits were issued, including 14 permanent permits and 230 temporary residence permits. With regard to the supervision of the residence regime of foreigners, 49 contraventional protocols were issued by GIM employees. Call Center employees… Continue reading GIM’s officers on duty
Children at the GIM’s Accommodation Center are ready for the new school year

09/08/2024 | Press Releases

Yesterday, August 8, several families with minor children staying at the GIM’s Accommodation Center received donations from our partners, the Refugee Charity Center and Hope4. Children have received school bags, school supplies and sports shoes, much-needed items that wil facilitate and support them in the schooling process. In turn, a range of women and men,… Continue reading Children at the GIM’s Accommodation Center are ready for the new school year
GIM’s Mobile Team offers full support in documentation of vulnerable groups from Ukraine

06/08/2024 | Press Releases

The GIM’s Mobile Team went on field yesterday to document a Ukrainian man, beneficiary of temporary protection, hospitalized at the District Hospital of Cahul for a more complex surgery. The GIM’s officers registered the Ukrainian citizen and issued his ID card the same day. The document entitles the man to primary and emergency medical care.… Continue reading GIM’s Mobile Team offers full support in documentation of vulnerable groups from Ukraine
Admission for 2024-2025 Academic Year for Foreign Students in Republic of Moldova

06/08/2024 | Press Releases

For young foreigners who want to study in the Republic of Moldova, we have systematized the most relevant information and opportunities in the public education system in the country with reference to this year's admission to studies. Graduates of high schools and colleges have the opportunity to study at 14 universities across the country in… Continue reading Admission for 2024-2025 Academic Year for Foreign Students in Republic of Moldova
GIM, on duty

05/08/2024 | Press Releases

Between July 29 and August 4, GIM’s officers granted and/or extended the right of residence for 198 foreign nationals. Ți-a fost de ajutor? Da Nu Submit Cancel Mulțumim pentru opinie
Eleven citizens of India detected in illegal stay

24/07/2024 | Press Releases

În urma verificărilor efectuate în teren, ofițerii de migrație ai Direcției Regionale Nord a IGM au depistat la 22 iulie, în mun. Bălți 11 cetățeni străini originari din India  care se aflau în ședere ilegală.  Ofițerii IGM au stabilit că bărbații cu vârsta cuprinsă între 20 și 30 au ignorat termenul de ședere acordat pe… Continue reading Eleven citizens of India detected in illegal stay
For the attention of foreign students who want to study in the Republic of Moldova

16/07/2024 | Press Releases

Admission of foreigners to educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova is carried out in accordance with the Education Code of the Republic of Moldova No 152 of 17 July 2014 and the normative acts regulating the admission procedure and the organization of the educational process at all levels of education. Enrollment of foreigners in… Continue reading For the attention of foreign students who want to study in the Republic of Moldova
We wish everyone a very Happy Children’s Day!  

01/06/2024 | Press Releases

The General Inspectorate for Migration participates, together with our colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ subdivisions, in the events dedicated to the International Children's Day in Chisinau and Balti municipalities.
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