Repatriation is the voluntary return to the homeland of persons who were born in the Republic of Moldova and their descendants, under the conditions of the law.
The right to repatriation is granted to individuals who were born in the Republic of Moldova and who, for certain reasons, have not acquired the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova, as well as to their descendants, regardless of their place of residence.
The confirmation of repatriation is an official document which serves as a basis for issuing a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Moldova.
The examination period of the application for the right to repatriation is up to 30 days. At the foreigner's request, the term may be reduced to 5 days, subject to the payment of the established fee for the urgent examination of the application.
Applications for the issuance of the repatriation confirmation shall be submitted to the territorial subdivisions of the General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) within the radius of which the applicant has his/her domicile or residence. Applicants may be foreign persons who were born on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, as well as their descendants.
Addresses of GIM regional subdivisions:
Directorate of the GIM: Chisinau Municipality, 41 Lev Tolstoi St.
Directorate of the GIM: Balti Municipality, 9 Moscovei St.
Payment can be made at/via:
The application and attached documents are examined by the GIM’s representatives.
The confirmation of the right of repatriation is received at the counter where the application was submitted.