Granting the right to repatriation to the

Republic of Moldova

Repatriation is the voluntary return to the homeland of persons who were born in the Republic of Moldova and their descendants, under the conditions of the law.

The right to repatriation is granted to individuals who were born in the Republic of Moldova and who, for certain reasons, have not acquired the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova, as well as to their descendants, regardless of their place of residence.

The confirmation of repatriation is an official document which serves as a basis for issuing a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Moldova.

The examination period of the application for the right to repatriation is up to 30 days. At the foreigner's request, the term may be reduced to 5 days, subject to the payment of the established fee for the urgent examination of the application.

Process description

Step 1

Submit the application

Applications for the issuance of the repatriation confirmation shall be submitted to the territorial subdivisions of the General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) within the radius of which the applicant has his/her domicile or residence. Applicants may be foreign persons who were born on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, as well as their descendants.

Addresses of GIM regional subdivisions:

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the CENTRAL Regional

Directorate of the GIM: Chisinau Municipality, 41 Lev Tolstoi St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the NORTH Regional

Directorate of the GIM: Balti Municipality, 9 Moscovei St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the SOUTH Regional Directorate of the GIM: Comrat Municipality, 22 Comsomolului St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the SOUTH Regional Directorate of the GIM: Cahul Municipality, 79 Ioan Voda cel Cumplit St.

Step 2

Pay for service

Payment can be made at/via:

  • Post offices of Poșta Moldovei
  • Governmental service for electronic payments MPay
  • Bank branches

Step 3

Receipt of application & file examination

The application and attached documents are examined by the GIM’s representatives.

The confirmation of the right of repatriation is received at the counter where the application was submitted.

Fees & deadlines

Time limit for examination: 30 calendar days

Fees: 180 MDL (state fee) + 90 MDL (GIM fee)

Required documents

List of documents required for granting the right to repatriation to the Republic of Moldova:
  1. Application form
  2. Applicant's national passport (in original and copy) with appropriate references made by the state border control authority (confirming the date and place of crossing the state border) and a copy of the long-stay visa (for foreigners entering based on visa)
  3. Repatriate's birth/marriage/divorce certificate (in original and copy) legalized/apostilled (in the established manner), translated into Romanian and notarized or consular authenticated.
  4. Originals and copies of birth/marriage/death certificates of parents and grandparents, translated into Romanian and notarized. It is sufficient to present documents from only one parental line (for example, grandparents on mother's/father's side).
  5. Certificate regarding the non-affiliation to the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova (from the Moldovan Public Services Agency)
  6. The original and a copy of the document proving the right of ownership or use of the dwelling (extract from the Register of Immovable Property or rental contract, registered in accordance with the legislation).
  7. Two (2) 3x4 cm color photos.
  1. The documents must be submitted at least 30 days before the authorized end of foreigner’s stay in the Republic of Moldova.
  2. Failing to meet the deadline for application is subject to an administrative penalty
  3. Other documents may be required, depending on the case.

Submit petitions

Petitions/complaints should be submitted to the GIM Chancery at the following address: Chisinau Municipality, 124 Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt Bd or by e-mail to:

Sanctions and penalties

Article 30 of Law 234/2021 provides for disciplinary, civil, administrative or criminal liability, as appropriate, for failure to perform or improper performance of public service tasks.

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