Preventing and combating illegal residence

The role of the General Inspectorate for Migration (IGM) is to supervise the compliance with the residence regime of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova and to prevent and combat illegal stay. To this end, the IGM applies effective and transparent measures, while providing support in complying with national legislation.

General conditions of residence for foreigners

Foreigners may enter and stay in the Republic of Moldova for a period of 90 days within a period of 180 days, respecting the stated purpose of the visit. Foreigners are obliged to leave the country upon expiry of the legal period of stay and to inform the authorities of any change of papers, domicile or citizenship within 15 days.

The IGM carries out controls and checks in places frequented by foreigners and may take measures against those who violate the residence regime.

Return from the territory of the Republic of Moldova may be ordered in the case of aliens who:

- Have entered the territory of the Republic of Moldova illegally;

- Have an illegal stay;

- Have had their visa or right of residence canceled or revoked;

- Have been refused extension of the right of temporary stay;

- Have ceased to have the right of permanent residence;

- Return from the territory of the Republic of Moldova may be ordered in the case of aliens who:r their application for recognition of statelessness status has been rejected and the procedure has been terminated or their status has been annulled;

- are former asylum seekers who no longer benefit from this status.

These measures are applied to ensure compliance with the legislation on stay in the Republic of Moldova.


The IGM implements readmission agreements signed by the Republic of Moldova with other states, facilitating the return of foreigners and its own nationals. These activities include escort missions and participation in joint readmission committees.

Assisted voluntary return

Foreigners who do not have the financial resources to leave the Republic of Moldova can seek support through assisted voluntary return programs. The IGM works with international organizations for the issuance of travel documents and safe repatriation.

Public detention

Public custody is an enforcement measure applied by the court at the request of the IGM. This measure applies to foreigners who do not comply with return orders, have entered the country illegally or have been declared inadmissible. The purpose of public custody is to ensure the safe removal of persons who do not comply with the conditions of stay. Aliens are placed in the Temporary Placement Center, where they are accommodated until their situation is clarified.

Consignment enforcement is the management of restrictive measures applied to aliens, such as entry bans or denial of exit, and the exchange of information with border police and other authorities to monitor and sanction violations by aliens.

Offences and sanctions 

The General Inspectorate for Migration detects and investigates residence-related infringements. According to the Contravention Code, sanctions include:

- Fines from 30 to 150 conventional units for work placement without a permit or violation of residence rules;

-Contraventional arrest of up to 15 days for unauthorized leaving the Temporary Placement Centre.

The IGM collaborates with other national and international institutions to ensure compliance with the legal residence regime and to combat illegal immigration in the Republic of Moldova.

Prevention message

The Genera Inspectorate for Migration encourages foreigners to respect the legislation of the Republic of Moldova and to cooperate with the authorities in order to avoid any unpleasant situation related to the residence regime. Compliance with the terms and conditions of residence is essential for a safe and pleasant experience in the Republic of Moldova.

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