Documentation of foreigners

The Identity Card is the document which certifies the identity and legal status of the foreigner, their right to stay in the Republic of Moldova, as well as the duration and purpose for which this right has been granted, and which is valid only on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. It ensures the right of legal residence of foreigners and their registration on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

The service is provided exclusively at the request of individuals, and the fees and application forms vary depending on the category of identity document and the deadlines for which they apply.

The Provisional Residence Permit (IR) is an official identity document issued by the competent authority for foreigners in accordance with the provisions of the law, which certifies the identity and legal status of the foreigner, the holder's right to stay in the Republic of Moldova, the duration and purpose for which this right has been granted, and which is valid only on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

The provisional residence permit is issued to a foreigner who has been granted or has been extended the right of provisional residence, for the period of validity of the holder's right of residence in the Republic of Moldova, but not exceeding the validity of the foreign citizen's passport or valid travel document issued by the state where the person has established his/her residence.

In order to extend the provisional residence permit, the foreigner must apply to the One-stop-shop  for the Documentation of Foreigners of the General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) at least 30 days before the expiration of the validity term.

The Permanent Residence Permit (CR) is issued to foreigners, except for stateless persons who have been granted the right of permanent residence in the Republic of Moldova.

The permanent residence permit is issued for the period of validity of the national identity card and is renewed successively.

In order to obtain the residence permit or the identity card in connection with the expiration of the validity term, the foreigner is obliged to apply to the the One-stop-shop  for the Documentation of Foreigners of the GIM at least 30 days before the expiration of the validity term.

The Provisional Residence Permit for Stateless Persons (IC) ensures the right of legal residence of stateless persons and their registration on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

The Identity Card for Stateless Persons (CC) is issued to stateless persons who have been recognized as stateless, as well as to those who have been granted the right to permanent residence in the Republic of Moldova, for use on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

Identity cards for stateless persons are issued for the following periods of validity:

a) from birth to 10 years

b) from 10 to 16 years

c) from 16 to 25 years

d) from 25 to 45 years

e) from 45 years - for life.

The Refugee Identity Card (RI/RR) is issued to persons recognized as refugees, including their children. The refugee identity card is issued for 5 years.

The Humanitarian Protection Identity Card (IH) is issued to persons granted humanitarian protection, including their children. The identity card for beneficiaries of humanitarian protection is issued for 3 years.

The Travel Document for Stateless Persons (PC) is issued to individuals who have been recognized as stateless person, as well as to those who have been granted the right to permanent residence in the Republic of Moldova for exit and entry the country.

The Travel Document PT, according to the 1951 Refugee Convention, is issued to persons who have been recognized as refugees regardless

of age, for exit and entry the Republic of Moldova. The refugee travel document is issued for a period of 5 years.

The Travel Document PH is issued to persons who have been granted humanitarian protection regardless of age, for exit and entry

the Republic of Moldova. The travel document for beneficiaries of humanitarian protection is issued for 3 years.

The identity documents are issued to beneficiaries of international protection by the General Inspectorate for Migration on the basis of the decision granting international protection, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Process decription

Step 1

Submit the application

The applicant shall submit for the right to stay of the foreigner who will perform labor activity on the territory of the Republic of Moldova at the one-stop-shops for the documentation of foreigners of the General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM), in the area where the individual has his/her domicile or residence or within the radius of the legal person’s office:

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the CENTRAL Regional

Directorate of the GIM: Chisinau Municipality, 41 Lev Tolstoi St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the NORTH Regional

Directorate of the GIM: Balti Municipality, 9 Moscovei St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the SOUTH Regional Directorate of the GIM: Comrat Municipality, 22 Comsomolului St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the SOUTH Regional Directorate of the GIM: Cahul Municipality, 79 Ioan Voda cel Cumplit St.

Step 2

File examination

The one-stop-shop employee identifies the foreign individual, checks the correctness and completeness of the file, determines their authenticity and legality, accepts or returns the


When the application is accepted, the stamp "Conform to the original" will be applied to the copies of the documents received and the applicant will be informed about period of examination and the fees to be charged for the services rendered, in accordance with the legislation in force.

When the application is declined, the one-stop-shop employee shall inform the applicant about the reasons of rejection and/or request the applicant to remove the irregularities and to submit the missing documents.

Step 3

Pay for service

Payment can be made at/via:

  • Post offices of Poșta Moldovei
  • Governmental service for electronic payments MPay
  • Bank branches

Step 4

Handing over the identity card

The identity documents shall be handed over upon signature to the holder in person or to his or her legal representative or to the representative authorized by power of attorney.

If the identity document is given to the legal representative, they shall be identified by their identity card. If necessary, the legal representative shall provide the document attesting to the guardianship or curatorship.

Fees & deadlines

Period of examination: up to 20 working days 

Fees for IR/CR Identity Cards:

  • 350 MDL (GIM fee) +150 MDL (state fee) - 20 working days
  • 700 MDL (GIM fee) +150 MDL (state fee) - 10 working days
  • 1050 MDL (GIM fee) +150 MDL (state fee) - 5 working days

*350 MDL (GIM fee) +150 MDL (state fee) - 5 working days

  • 1400 MDL (GIM fee) +150 MDL (state fee) - 1 working day

*350 MDL (GIM fee) +150 MDL (state fee) - 1 working day

  • 1750 MDL (GIM fee) +150 MDL (state fee) - the same day

Fees for IC Cards:

  • 130 MDL (GIM fee) + 150 (state fee) - 20 working days
  • 260 MDL (GIM fee)+ 150 (state fee) - 10 working days
  • 390 MDL (GIM fee)+ 150 (state fee)- 5 working days
  • 520 MDL (GIM fee) + 150 (state fee) - 1 working day
  • 650 MDL (GIM fee) + 150 (state fee) - the same day

Fees for RI/IH Cards:

  • 130 MDL (GIM fee) - 20 working days
  • 260 MDL (GIM fee) - 10 working days
  • 390 MDL (GIM fee) -5 working days
  • 520 MDL (GIM fee) - 1 working day

*130 MDL (GIM fee) - 1 working day

Fees for CC Cards:

  • 130 MDL (GIM fee) + 150 (state fee) - 20 working days
  • 260 MDL (GIM fee)+ 150 (state fee) - 10 working days
  • 390 MDL (GIM fee)+ 150 (state fee)- 5 working days
  • 520 MDL (GIM fee) + 150 (state fee) - 1 working day
  • 650 MDL (GIM fee) + 150 (state fee) - the same day

Fees for PT & PH Cards:

  • 650 MDL (for minors under 12 years old - 1000 MDL) - 20 working days

Fees for PC Cards:

  • 650 MDL (GIM fee) + 150 (state fee) - 20 working days
  • 1240 MDL (GIM fee)+ 150 (state fee) - 10 working days
  • 1430 MDL (GIM fee)+ 150 (state fee) - 5 working days
  • 1690 MDL (GIM fee) + 150 (state fee) - 1 working day
  • 2080 MDL (GIM fee) + 150 (state fee) - the same day

*The conditions for the provision of the concessionary service are stipulated within points 18 and 19 of Annex no.3 to Government Decision no.966/2020 on the services provided by the Public Services Agency.

Required documents

List of documents required for documentation with the travel document for stateless persons:

1. Travel document to be exchanged

2. Identity document, except in cases of simultaneous issuing of identity documents

3. Declaration of lost or stolen travel document

4. Certificate of birth/marriage/divorce/death of spouse; certificate of birth of minor children (up to 16 years of age); certificate of change of name and/or surname

5. Proof of payment of state taxes and fees established for the issuance of the identity card.

List of documents required for issuance of the ID Cards for refugees and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection:

1. Identity card, if any

2. Civil status documents

3. The decision on the recognition of refugee status or the decision on granting the humanitarian protection

4. Documents proving ownership or use of the dwelling

5. Proof of payment of fees and charges for the issuance of the identity card.

Note: The documents must be submitted in originals with copies attached.

List of documents required for issuance of the ID Cards for stateless persons:

1. Identity card to be exchanged

2. The decision on the recognition of statelessness/ the decision on granting the right of permanent stay/ the confirmation of the right to repatriation

3. Certificate of birth/marriage/divorce/death of spouse; certificate of birth of minor children (up to 16 years of age); certificate of change of name and/or surname

4. Documents proving ownership or use of the dwelling

5. Proof of payment of state taxes and fees established for the issuance of the identity card.

Regulatory acts

Submit petitions

Petitions/complaints should be submitted to the GIM Chancery at the following address: Chisinau Municipality, 124 Stefan cel Mare și Sfânt Bd or by e-mail to:

Sanctions and penalties

Article 30 of Law 234/2021 provides for disciplinary, civil, administrative or criminal liability, as appropriate, for failure to perform or improper performance of public service tasks.

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