Notification of family reunification

The notification of family reunification is a document issued by the competent authority for foreigners at the request of citizens of the Republic of Moldova residing in the Republic of Moldova or at the request of foreigners having the right to stay in the Republic of Moldova under the Law no.200/2010 on the regime of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova and which constitutes one of the conditions for obtaining a long-stay visa for the purpose of family reunification.

The application shall be submitted personally by the applicant.

The competent authority for foreigners can issue a permit for family reunification to:

1) the foreigner holding a provisional or permanent residence permit on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for:

(a) husband or wife;

(b) unmarried minor children, whether by marriage or not, and children adopted by both spouses or by one of them only; children entrusted to both spouses or to one of them only by decision of a competent authority of the state of origin, on condition that such children are actually being cared for by either spouse;

(c) the adult unmarried children of the holder of the right of residence or of the holder's spouse where they are unable to support themselves for medical reasons;

(d) dependent parents of the holder of the right of residence or of his/her spouse;

(e) persons over whom guardianship or curatorship is imposed.

 2) the citizen of the Republic of Moldova for:

(a) husband or wife;

(b) his/her partner - an unmarried foreigner cohabiting with an unmarried citizen of the Republic of Moldova, with whom he/she has at least one child

(c)      minor children, whether by marriage or not, and children adopted by both spouses or by one of them only; children entrusted to both spouses or to one of them only by decision of a competent authority of the state of origin, on condition that such children are actually being cared for by either spouse;

(d)       the adult children of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova or of his/her spouse where they are unable to support themselves for medical reasons;

(e)      dependent parents of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova or of his/her spouse

(f)      persons over whom guardianship or curatorship is imposed.

Process description

Step 1

Application form

The application for the approval to obtain the long-stay visa for family reunification purpose shall be submitted at the one-stop-shops for the documentation of foreigners of the General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM):

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the CENTRAL Regional

Directorate of the GIM: Chisinau Municipality, 41 Lev Tolstoi St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the NORTH Regional

Directorate of the GIM: Balti Municipality, 9 Moscovei St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the SOUTH Regional Directorate of the GIM: Comrat Municipality, 22 Comsomolului St.

  • The One-stop-shop for the Documentation of Foreigners of the SOUTH Regional Directorate of the GIM: Cahul Municipality, 79 Ioan Voda cel Cumplit St.

Step 2

Pay for service

Payment can be made at/via:

  • Post offices of Poșta Moldovei
  • Governmental service for electronic payments MPay
  • Bank branches

Step 3

Receipt of application and file examination

  • The GIM’s representative provides advice on the list of documents required for the issuance of the notification of family reunification for the purpose of long-stay visa;
  • The GIM’s representative checks the file to see if it is complete and correct, in line with the existing regulatory framework;
  • The GIM’s representative assists the applicant in the correct and complete completion of the application form;
  • The GIM’s representative checks whether the travel document of the invited foreigner is recognized or accepted by the Republic of Moldova as well as its validity;
  • The GIM’s representative is entitled to return the application with the accompanying documents to the applicant, specifying the reason for the return and indicating the irregularities to be remedied or the missing documents in the file, so that the file can be resubmitted;
  • The GIM’s representative checks whether the foreign national indicated in the application does not appear in the Register of Foreigners within the GIM's Information Subsystem and consult his/her history;
  • The GIM’s representative enters the alien’s personal data into the GIM's Information Subsystem;
  • The GIM’s representative checks the information available/needed by the GIM on the foreign national and on the applicant through various databases that are under the management of the GIM;
  • The conclusions resulting from the analysis of the attached documents and the checks on the foreigner and the inviting natural/legal person shall be recorded in a conclusion, which shall contain the proposal to approve or reject the notification of family reunification, with the reasons for the decision in the case in question.

Step 4

Issuance of the notification

The GIM’s representative issues the notification, which is recorded by the applicant's signature on the back of the application.

Once the notification for family reunification is issued, the GIM’s representative shall repeatedly inform the applicant about the regime of foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and about the possible removal of the alien from the territory of the country at the expense of the applicant, if he/she does not leave the territory of the country within the term granted in the visa/residence permit.

Fees & deadlines

Time limit for examination: 10 working days. Fee: 288 MDL / (200 MDL - state fee + 88 MDL - GIM fee)

List of documents required for granting the approval/notification to obtain the long-stay visa for family reunification purpose for familymembers of a NATIONAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA:

  1. Application form for granting the notification of family reunification, to be filled in legibly and in full in Latin characters, signed by the applicant.
  2. Sworn statement that he/she is not in polygamy
  3. Copy of the page with identification data from the invited person’s passport, which should have a validity period of at least 12 months.
  4. Marriage certificate (original and copy) transcribed in the Civil Register of the Republic of Moldova
  5. Child's birth certificate (original and copy) transcribed in the Civil Register of the Republic of Moldova
  6. Valid identity card (original and copy) of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova
  7. The documents proving the right of ownership or use of the dwelling (extract from the Register of Immovable Property or rental contract, registered in accordance with the legislation).
  8. Payment of the state fee and provided service fee.

List of documents required for granting the approval/notification to obtain the long-stay visa for family reunification purpose for family members of a FOREIGN NATIONAL HOLDING THE RIGHT TO RESIDENCE IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA:

  1. Application form for granting the notification of family reunification, to be filled in legibly and in full in Latin characters, signed by the applicant.
  2. Sworn statement that he/she is not in polygamy
  3. Copy of the page with identification data from the invited person’s passport, which should have a validity period ofat least 12 months;
  4. Marriage certificate (original and copy) legalized/apostilled, translated into Romanian and notarized or consular authenticated;
  5. Child's birth certificate (original and copy) translated into Romanian and notarized or consular authenticated.
  6. Valid provisional/permanent residence permit of the foreigner (original and copy), proving the legal stay on the territory of the Republic of Moldova;
  7. The documents proving the right of ownership or use of the dwelling (extract from the Register of Immovable Property or rental contract, registered in accordance with the legislation), in original and copy;
  8. Proof of means of support amounting to at least one average monthly salary per family member.
  9. Payment of the state fee and provided service fee.


Documents shall be submitted before the expiry of 90 calendar days within any period of 180 calendar days, which implies

taking into account the last 180-day period preceding each day of stay.

Submit petitions

Petitions/complaints should be submitted to the GIM Chancery at the following address: Chisinau Municipality, 124 Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt Bd or by e-mail to:

Sanctions & penalties

Article 30 of Law 234/2021 provides for disciplinary, civil, administrative or criminal liability, as appropriate, for failure to perform or improper performance of public service tasks.

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