Persons who are not considered nationals of any state according to its legislation are stateless persons.
Statelessness recognition procedure can be initiated ex officio by the General Inspectorate for Migration or at the request of the person claiming to be a non-citizen. Depending on the case, the General Inspectorate for Migration will issue either a decision on the recognition of statelessness or a decision rejecting the application for recognition of statelessness.
The General Inspectorate for Migration may terminate the procedure for recognition of statelessness in the following cases:
The time-limit for examining an application for recognition of stateless person status may be up to 6 months from the date of registration. Depending on the difficulty of the case, the time-limit may be extended by one month, but the total extension shall not exceed 6 months.
Statelessness ceases automatically when the stateless person acquires the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova or the citizenship of another state. The stateless person must inform the General Inspectorate for Migration within 30 days of acquiring the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova or of another state.
The General Inspectorate for Migration may annul, by a reasoned decision, the stateless person status granted under the Law on the Regime of Aliens in the Republic of Moldova, if it is established that some documents or evidence that were decisive for the recognition are false and there are no grounds for maintaining the stateless person status, as well as if there are serious reasons to consider that the beneficiary meets the conditions provided by the legislation.
Working program:
Monday – Friday, 08:00 – 17:00
Lunch break: 12:00 – 13:00
Examination of application for recognition of statelessness is free of charge.