
Published on: Fri, 01/03/2024 - 16:22 | | Vizualizări:

The joy of life which helps us overcome any obstacles is part of an universal language spoken by people around the globe. This is what the sincere smiles of the foreign citizens reminded us of today while receiving the little symbol of spring called Mărțișor.

We wish you all a prosperous spring, dear friends!

Let's wear Marțişoare with kindness as a sign of respect for life and peace in the whole world

Published on: Wed, 31/01/2024 - 09:38 | | Vizualizări:

For the year 2024, the General Inspectorate for Migration, together with the other subdivisions of the MIA, is focusing its efforts on an assumed involvement in promoting gender equality among employees, an integrative approach to the gender perspective in institutional policies, as well as raising awareness and reducing stereotypes related to gender among both employees and beneficiaries.

Published on: Tue, 21/11/2023 - 11:09 | | Vizualizări:

Zilele acestea, la Centrul de Cazare al Inspectoratului General pentru Migrație s-a încheiat un amplu proiect de reabilitare și îmbunătățire a condițiilor de recepție a beneficiarilor. Pe parcursul ultimelor douăsprezece luni, echipa IGM, cu suportul partenerilor de dezvoltare, a reușit să

Published on: Mon, 31/07/2023 - 13:57 | | Vizualizări:

One-stop-shops for the documentation of foreigners of the General Inspectorate for Migration extend their working hours

From 01 August 2023, the General Inspectorate for Migration will extend the working hours of the Single Windows for the documentation of foreigners:

Published on: Thu, 19/04/2018 - 14:08 | | Vizualizări:

The improvement of the investment and business environment in the Republic of Moldova by facilitation of entry and stay on the territory of our country of foreign investors, as well as of the persons managing foreign investments, was one of the main objectives of the Bureau of Migration and Asylum /BMA/ fulfilled in 2017. This allowed increasing the attractiveness of our country as a trade partner and investment destination for the international partners.



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