Resurse media

To the atention of the legal and natural persons

Published on: Mon, 16/03/2020 - 11:39 | | Vizualizări:

To the atention of the legal and natural persons

In order to prevent crowding and ensure epidemiological measures, in accordance with the decisions of the Extraordinary National Commission of Public Health of March 13 and March 15, within the period 16-31 of March, the One-stop shop for the documentation of foreigners:
• ensures the receipt of the documents regarding the granting of the right to stay or the prolongation of the right to stay in the Republic of Moldova through the postal correspondence to the Bureau (mun. Chisinau, Stefan cel Mare bvd., 124) or by submitting the package of documents in the special box inside the Bureau at the above mentioned address.
Please indicate correctly your contact details to ensure further activity at the distance;
• suspends the receipt of documents for the preparation of the invitations, extension of visas, the acquisition of the biometric data for the issuance of documents for staying.

• additional information at the telephone number 022 820 007.