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Foreigners are expected to be consulted and supported in the Integration Centers of The General Inspectorate for Migration

Published on: Fri, 19/01/2024 - 12:07 | | Vizualizări:

Foreigners are expected to be consulted and supported in the Integration Centers of the GIM.

The General Inspectorate for Migration informs the public that Integration Centers for foreigners are now closer and more accessible than ever. These specialized centers are an essential pillar in supporting measures of integration, counselling, information and assistance to foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

What represent Integration Centers for foreigners?

Integration Centers are structural subdivisions within the regional directorates of the General Inspectorate for Migration, dedicated to facilitating the process of integration of foreigners into the community. They offer a variety of services, helping to strengthen links between foreigners, authorities, civil society and local communities.

Services offered by integration centers:

  • Information and advice: Provides information and advice to foreigners, authorities, civil society and local communities on issues related to the integration of foreigners.
  • Application processing: Receives and processes applications for integration measures, facilitating interaction with central and local government authorities.
  • Cooperation with civil society: Collaborates with civil society to diversify the services offered to foreigners in the area served.
  • Annual information and evaluation sessions: Organizes annual information sessions and evaluates the situation of foreigners in the area served, monitoring the implementation of integration legislation.
  • Home visits: Conducts visits to the place of residence of foreigners for information, counselling and assessment of living conditions.

The Integration Centers locations:

  • Integration Centre for Foreigners of the Northern Regional Directorate, Balti, Moscow Street 9.
  • Integration Centre for foreigners of the Regional Directorate Centre, Chisinau, bd. Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt 124
  • Integration Centre for Foreigners, Chisinau, Lev Tolstoy Str. 41
  • Integration Centre for Foreigners of the South Regional Directorate, Cahul, Ioan Voda cel Cumplit Str. 79


For further information:

Phone: +373 22 265-624; +373 231 61 99

Call Center: 080001527   /  E-mail: migraț


The General Inspectorate for Migration encourages foreigners and the community to use the resources offered by the Integration Centers to facilitate the integration process and promote harmonious coexistence within Moldovan society.