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Improving the reception conditions for asylum seekers and international protection beneficiaries staying in the GIM Accommodation Center

Published on: Tue, 23/01/2024 - 11:11 | | Vizualizări:

Asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, temporarily housed in the Accommodation Center of the General Inspectorate for Migration will enjoy better living and accommodation conditions.

The improvement of conditions within the Center was possible thanks to the support and collaboration with the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI) within the OSCE. The total value of the investment was about 20 thousand euro, with the major repair of two rooms of the isolator within the Accommodation Center being carried out. The renovated spaces were equipped with furniture, new bathroom items, also were improved the cooking conditions and the heating system of the Center.

The isolator within the Accommodation Center is intended for new arrivals and people with a major degree of disability. In this sense, thanks to the investments made, was procured equipment intended for the movement of people with special needs. We mention that the strengthening of institutional capacities as well as the improvement of the operating conditions of the centers to international standards, derives from the institution's objectives to ensure the respect of the rights of foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

At the beginning of this year, 58 people, including 8 children, benefited from accommodation in the GIM Accommodation Center.