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Strengthening GIM officers’ capabilities to address trafficking in human beings

Published on: Fri, 29/03/2024 - 18:01 | | Vizualizări:

The General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) held a workshop with the aim of strengthening knowledge about the trafficking in human being (THB) phenomenon, with a focus on its intricacy and latest developments.

The Head of GIM, Mihail VODA, along with the IOM Moldova Chief of Mission, Lars Johan Lonnback, and Sophie Dagand, the EU Delegation representative opened up the training program. The officials emphasized that, in the context of the war in Ukraine, THB phenomenon requires a special attention whether it is about documenting procedures for foreigners, getting a type of protection on the territory of the Republic of Moldova or combating illegal migration.

Mihail Vodă mentioned that "GIM officers must stay vigilant and pay attention to details, being able to identify potential risks and provide necessary support in high-risk situations for THB.

Lars Johan Lonnback emphasized that " institutions can diminish THB operating in four strategic directions, namely: prevention, protection, punishment and inter-institutional partnership".

With the informational and IT progress, the phenomenon of THB is amplifying, and women and children are the most vulnerable in this situation, participants concluded. In this sense, the GIM aims to improve its practices and methods of fighting THB, as well as the legal framing of criminal actions and the immediate referral of victims to specialized services.

According to the data from the General Prosecutor's Office, 22 criminal cases were initiated in 2023 under art. 165 of the Criminal Code (trafficking in human beings) and 23 people were convicted.

The workshop is organized in the framework of the Roadmap and The National Action Plan for Moldova's accession to EU for 2024-2027 within a project implemented by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR).