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Press Releases

Lista completă a Comunicatelor de presă în ordine cronologică.

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23/01/2024 | Eveniment

Improving the reception conditions for asylum seekers and international protection beneficiaries staying in the GIM Accommodation Center

19/01/2024 | Transparența

Foreigners are expected to be consulted and supported in the Integration Centers of The General Inspectorate for Migration

14/12/2023 | Eveniment

Moldova, my second home – a campaign designed to promote cooperation between the local community and foreigners

05/12/2023 | Transparența

To the attention of people displaced from Ukraine

01/12/2023 | Eveniment

General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) is improving its mobility and ability to provide efficient services

21/11/2023 | Eveniment

Condiții de trai mai bune pentru solicitanții de azil și de protecție temporară în Republica Moldova

11/11/2023 | Transparența

Misiune de evacuare a mai multor cetățeni din Fâșia Gaza

Ofițerii IGM au desfășurat în ultimele două luni 14 misiuni de îndepărtare sub escortă a străinilor de pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova

08/08/2023 | Transparența


31/07/2023 | Eveniment


12/05/2023 | Transparența

IGM informs: derogations concerning the regime of displaced persons from Ukraine on the territory of the Republic of Moldova have been repealed


Displaced persons from Ukraine will benefit from temporary protection in the Republic of Moldova

Displaced persons from Ukraine will benefit from temporary protection in the Republic of Moldova

To the attention of applicants!


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