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23.01.2024 | Eveniment

Improving the reception conditions for asylum seekers and international protection beneficiaries staying in the GIM Accommodation Center

Asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, temporarily housed in the Accommodation Center of the General Inspectorate for Migration will enjoy better living and accommodation...Read more
19.01.2024 | Transparența

Foreigners are expected to be consulted and supported in the Integration Centers of The General Inspectorate for Migration

Foreigners are expected to be consulted and supported in the Integration Centers of the GIM. The General Inspectorate for Migration informs the public that Integration Centers for foreigners are now...Read more
14.12.2023 | Eveniment

Moldova, my second home – a campaign designed to promote cooperation between the local community and foreigners

Nowadays, migration means more than our freedom to travel and explore the world. "Moldova, my second home" is the slogan of the campaign launched today by the General Inspectorate for Migration...Read more
05.12.2023 | Transparența

To the attention of people displaced from Ukraine

The General Inspectorate for Migration comes with up-to-date information on the changes that have occurred under the UNHCR’ s cash assistance programme. We recall that, in order to continue to...Read more
01.12.2023 | Eveniment

General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) is improving its mobility and ability to provide efficient services

GIM expanded its fleet with seven Dacia Duster cars. The equipment will improve the quality of the GIM’s operational work with foreign citizens affected by the war in Ukraine. Another 30 cars have...Read more
21.11.2023 | Eveniment

Condiții de trai mai bune pentru solicitanții de azil și de protecție temporară în Republica Moldova

Zilele acestea, la Centrul de Cazare al Inspectoratului General pentru Migrație s-a încheiat un amplu proiect de reabilitare și îmbunătățire a condițiilor de recepție a beneficiarilor. Pe parcursul...Read more
11.11.2023 | Transparența

Misiune de evacuare a mai multor cetățeni din Fâșia Gaza

Ministerul Afacerilor Interne a fost astăzi implicat într-o amplă operațiune de evacuare a unui grup de 155 de persoane din Fîșia Gaza. Printre aceștia se regăsesc 9 cetățeni moldoveni, 145 cetățeni...Read more

Ofițerii IGM au desfășurat în ultimele două luni 14 misiuni de îndepărtare sub escortă a străinilor de pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova

În perioada 01 august -26 septembrie 2023 ofițerii IGM au îndepărtat sub escortă 14 străini de pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova. În privința a 7 persoane a fost dispusă decizia de returnare de pe...Read more
08.08.2023 | Transparența


Due to performance of some repair work at the General Inspectorate for Migration's headquarters, on 124, Ștefan cel Mare bd., during the period of time 09-13 of August, 2023, the main entrance will...Read more
31.07.2023 | Eveniment


One-stop-shops for the documentation of foreigners of the General Inspectorate for Migration extend their working hours From 01 August 2023, the General Inspectorate for Migration will extend the...Read more
12.05.2023 | Transparența

IGM informs: derogations concerning the regime of displaced persons from Ukraine on the territory of the Republic of Moldova have been repealed

In order to return to the usual legal framework regulating the regime of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova, following the provision of the Commission for Exceptional Situations of 10 May 2023,...Read more


As of April 18, 2023, the one-stop-shop for documentation of foreigners of the General Inspectorate for Migration of located on bd. Ștefan cel Mare 124, has a new working regime: 08:30-16:00, with...Read more

Displaced persons from Ukraine will benefit from temporary protection in the Republic of Moldova

Temporary protection for displaced persons from Ukraine will be introduced in the Republic of Moldova for a period of 1 year. A draft government decision was approved at today's meeting of the...Read more

Displaced persons from Ukraine will benefit from temporary protection in the Republic of Moldova

Temporary protection for displaced persons from Ukraine will be introduced in the Republic of Moldova for a period of 1 year. A draft government decision was approved at today's meeting of the...Read more

To the attention of applicants!

The Migration and Asylum Office of the Ministry of the Interior warns that 2 January 2023 is considered a day of rest. Documentation counters for foreigners will not provide services on this day...Read more


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